最高人民法院于2024年7月4日(星期四)闭馆,以纪念美国独立日. 7月5日星期五恢复正常运营.


PSEO Students

Postsecondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) enables eligible Minnesota high school Sophomores, Juniors, 和老年人在公共场合, nonpublic, or home schools to take college classes for high school and/or college credit to promote rigorous academic pursuits and provide a wider variety of course options.




PSEO使符合条件的明尼苏达州高中二年级学生, Juniors, 大四学生参加大学课程以获得高中和/或大学学分. Students may attend part-time or full-time during the fall and/or spring semesters. Best of all, tuition, fees, materials, and required textbooks are covered at no cost to the student.






有兴趣了解更多? 这是你需要知道的一切.


除了在你的学位或职业道路上取得领先之外, 获得免费学分, 完成PSEO课程还有很多好处. Here are a few:

Flexible schedules: In-person or online classes, part- or full-time attendance options.
Transferability: Students can transfer the credits earned here to other institutions.
One-on-one advising: Students can meet with the PSEO Advisor for advising on which classes to take each semester and to plan for their educational goals post-PSEO.
College services: Take advantage of additional resources to aid in your academic and career success.
Campus activities: Get involved on campus through our student clubs and associations.




在申请pso之前, students should speak with their parents/guardians or high school Counselor to ensure you understand and are prepared properly for the faster pace and greater expectations of college courses.

如果下列情况对你来说是正确的,那么pso可能是一个不错的选择. You are…

Willing to communicate with your high school Counselor regarding high school related questions and our PSEO Advisor regarding college related questions.
Responsible for balancing your high school, college, and personal responsibilities.
Willing to seek help and support when needed and have good time management skills.
能够购买不包括在公共服务项目资助的杂项物品. Examples include: Transportation to and from college (Bus 21 stops nearby and online classes are also available), equipment, tools, calculators, additional fees, 或认证考试费用, etc.

而课本和一些材料是覆盖的, any that are not returned to the college by the deadline in good condition will become the student’s responsibility and the student will be billed. This bill must be paid out of pocket; it is not covered by the PSEO program.





  • 2.高中平均绩点8+
  • Verify you received a “M- Meets the Standards” or “E- Exceeds the Standards” (850 or higher) on 8th grade MCA Reading test.
    • 10th grade students who did not take the 8th grade MCA reading exam should notify PSEO staff when submitting their application via email and may take 圣保罗书院’s Reading/English assessment as an alternative.


  • 2.高中平均绩点8+


  • 2.高中平均绩点8+

19-21岁的高中生应该遵循12年级的标准. Work with your high school counselor to complete and send the Verification of Extended PSEO Eligibility paperwork and complete remaining admission steps.

Students must meet the requirements and prerequisites for the course(s) they wish to enroll in.

Application Steps

Students are encouraged to submit their complete application materials before the class registration begins in order to have the most course options. 越接近pso申请截止日期,学生提交材料, 他们的课程选择就越少.

以PDF或Word格式提交文件至 PSEO@infographil.com. 学生可使用microsoftofficelens (App Store or Google Play) to convert images/photos to PDF and Word files then save them and attach them to an email. 请不要在此期间亲自邮寄或提交申请.

Applicants will be notified of application decision via email after 5-10 business days once completed PSEO application is received.

  1. 申请mg电子试玩app
  2. 填写MDE pso学生注册通知书 & 图书合同表格
  3. 根据年级水平收集以下文件
    • Sophomores
      • 官方高中成绩单显示累计未加权GPA为2.8 or greater
      • Copy of 8th grade Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment scores showing passing Reading score (850+)
    • Juniors & Seniors
      • 官方高中成绩单显示累计未加权GPA为2.8 or greater
  4. 在pso申请截止日期前,将所有所需文件发送至 PSEO@infographil.com

19-21岁的高中生遵循12年级标准. Work with your high school counselor to complete and send the Verification of Extended PSEO Eligibility paperwork and complete the remaining Admission steps.


Students will be contacted via email 5-10 business days after a completed PSEO application is received regarding application decision.

  • Admitted applicants will be emailed an acceptance letter with a link to register for mandatory PSEO Orientation
    • Admitted students that do not attend PSEO Orientation by the deadline in their acceptance email can not participate in PSEO
  • Denied applicants may re-apply for the following semester if they are still enrolled in high
  • Accepted students will transition into the PSEO program by completing the following:
    • 注册课程
      • 首先和你的高中辅导员谈谈毕业要求
    • Activate 圣保罗书院 email (official means of communication with PSEO students)
    • 订购所需书籍/资料
    • 完整的pso定位
    • 获取mg电子试玩appID
    • 完成预防性暴力训练(透过D2L)



学业进展满意(SAP): All students must meet the following requirements each semester based on their cumulative SPC credits:

  • 2.0 cumulative GPA
  • 成功完成66.累计尝试学分的67%,获得成绩为A, B, C, D, P或AU

如果不满足这些要求, 学生将受到学术警告或某些情况下的休学处分. If the cumulative GPA or completion rate falls below minimum standards for a second term, 该学生可被学院停学.

学业成绩不佳者(如学业警告者), suspension, or probation) can only enroll in traditional PSEO at the approval of 圣保罗书院 PSEO staff.


Current PSEO students must complete the Application Packet each semester they want to take PSEO courses at 圣保罗书院. 这些表格必须通过电子邮件发送到 PSEO@infographil.com 并在PSEO学生可以注册下学期之前进行处理. Allow 5-10 business days for forms to be processed before the student can register. 请检查您的mg电子试玩app的电子邮件更新.

Any current PSEO student that takes one or more semesters off will be re-evaluated for admission into the PSEO program based on current PSEO eligibility requirements. 19-21岁的高中生遵循12年级标准. Work with your high school counselor to complete and send the Verification of Extended PSEO Eligibility paperwork and complete remaining Admission steps.




  • Visit tour.infographil.com
  • 点击“学生登录”下的“esservices”
  • 使用Star ID和密码登录
  • 从左侧菜单中选择学业记录
  • 在学术记录下,选择非官方成绩单
  • 选择时间顺序,点击“获取学习成绩”
  • 查看并打印您的非正式成绩单




查看下面的链接,了解您可能需要的其他所有内容. 或者,简单地mg电子试玩app有任何问题的回答. Email PSEO@infographil.com or call 651.403.4478.