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圣保罗书院A社区 & 技术学院


At Saint Paul 大学 we offer many financial resources to help bridge the gap between the cost of your education and what you can afford to pay. 奖学金 and grants typically do not need to be paid back. 学生贷款确实需要偿还. 每个人都有自己的一套资格.

Please review the information on this page to find out what will work best for you.

对大多数人来说,这是第一步 金融援助 就是完成 免费申请联邦学生援助). 圣保罗书院校号:005533

If you have questions or need help completing the FAFSA, go to the One Stop, Room 1300, email financialaid@infographil.com 或致电651.846.1555.



Generous donors and special government programs make college available tuition-free for some eligible students. These programs have specific eligibility requirements and limited space, so make sure you follow application instructions and apply by listed deadlines.


The 你的力量 program makes the first two years of college available tuition-free, for students that meet the eligibility requirements of the program. It covers the cost of tuition and fees at Saint Paul 大学 or Minneapolis Community and 技术学院 (MCTC) through state and federal grants and private 奖学金. The 你的力量 supports as many students as possible based on student need and funds available for the program. Advising and support 服务s will be provided to help students succeed at college.

有关更多信息,请访问 tour.infographil.com/PowerOfYOU 


To find out if you are eligible for government grants, you will need to complete a 免费申请联邦学生援助). 圣保罗书院校号:005533

提交FAFSA go to http://studentaid.gov / h /Apply to the援助/ fafsa 

If you have questions or need help, go to the One Stop, Room 1300, email financialaid@infographil.com 或致电651.846.1555.

For more information about government grants go to: tour.infographil.com/FinAidGrants


贷款是必须偿还的经济援助. The student must complete on-line Entry Loan 咨询 and be registered for 6 credits. Need based and non-need based loans are available.

有关学生贷款的更多信息,请访问 tour.infographil.com/FinAidLoans


有资格 退伍军人福利,你必须。 申请并被接受 到学院. Your educational objective must be the same as that which you reported to the 退伍军人管理局.

You must contact the 大学’s VA Certifying Official under the following circumstances:

  • 在您首次注册课程时
  • If you change your credit load (add/drop/withdraw)
  • 如果你换专业
  • 如果你改变了地址

T - 651.403.4067​
F - 651.846.1468

Friends Logo颜色72.jpg 

The Friends of Saint Paul 大学 foundation makes 奖学金 available to students at Saint Paul 大学 through generous donations from individuals, alumni, 企业和基金会. 奖学金 是在秋季,春季和夏季学期提供的吗. By completing the online scholarship application form, you will automatically be matched to any 奖学金 for which you are eligible during the term in which you apply.

If you have questions, please contact the Friends of Saint Paul 大学 foundation by email at friends@infographil.com 或致电651.846.1741.

Other Forms of Financial Assistance - Community 奖学金
  • FAFSA - FAFSA是 免费申请联邦学生援助,FAFSA. This is the application for all types of 金融援助: grants, loans, or college work-study.
  • 教育费用: 教育费用包括学费, fees, 食宿津贴, books, 供应, a transportation allowance and a personal expense allowance.
  • 期望家庭贡献: 一个数量, determined by a formula called Federal Methodology, that indicates how much of the student and his or her family's resources should be available to help pay for school. The Expected Family Contribution (EFC) is used in determining the student's eligibility for federal and state 金融援助. If a student has unusual expenses that may affect his or her ability to pay for school, the student should notify the 金融援助 Director.
  • 财务需要: Financial need is the difference between the cost of education and the expected family contribution calculated by the federal processing center.
  • 全日制mg电子试玩app: 每学期12学分或以上.
  • Three-Quarter-Time登记: 每学期9-11学分.
  • 半场登记: 每学期6-8学分.
  • 不到一半的注册时间:每学期不超过5学分.

Visit Apply 请求的信息